News 1:
JK Rowling |
This week's Leveson inquiry into the phone hackings of celebrities and crime victims has prompted many to again call for a regulated press. Stars such as Sienna Miller, JK Rowling, Hugh Grant and Steve Coogan, as well as murder victim family the Dowlers, and kidnapping victims the McCanns spoke about their experiences after journalists unethically hacked phones and gained stories via unlawful means. This is relevant to my work, because when I come to collect stories for my own newspaper I will need to be ethical and follow the law, even if my paper will not be published. I will follow the PCC guidelines previously posted and respect the privacy of people involved in my stories.
News 2:
Just a bit more background on newspapers in general, and I found that the Liverpool Daily Post will become a weekly publication after new year, citing 'redundancies' at Trinity News Group (who own the Daily Mail) for the change. Just another example of how the economic climate is affecting all areas of industry.
Useful researching concerning what is going on currently in your chosen genre.