Tuesday 17 January 2012

David Thomson Interview

Youth Intervention Officer for Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly on crime levels:

“I think the crime trends very often go up and down depending on what the situation is. If you’ve got a gang of youths that are going around then obviously certain kinds of crimes may rise or fall depending on the gang culture involved, and also crimes can actually change in a locality like Bodmin depending on what the dynamics are, so if you’ve got shops that are closing, and you’ve got a lot of deprivation, then obviously crimes go up. If you’ve got something that’s opening and rejuvenation obviously that creates a better feeling and crimes are going to go down."

On the most common crime:
"Without a doubt, obviously the most common crime is petty criminal damage, graffiti, mindless vandalism, kicking over bins, pulling off drainpipes, writing on walls with marker pens – simplistic offences that are easy to commit, and very difficult to actually investigate."

On August's riots:
"You’ve got a different culture down here, whereas up country you’ve got quite urban environments, and you’ve got quite densely populated areas and you’ve not got an awful lot of open area where people can get involved in stuff and do stuff. Down here we haven’t got a lot of large housing estates, the ones that we have got are fairly open-planned and therefore you haven’t got that dense environment where people can’t spread out, and I think if you’ve got a closed environment, you’re more likely to get problems because people are actually packed into a smaller area. Because we haven’t got that down here, that’s one factor that actually assists us. The other thing is the fact that the actual culture down here is different, because I think young people don’t necessarily see the problems that there are in an urban environment. We haven’t got a mix of cultures. We’ve mainly got predominantly a white background down here, whereas compared to major cities who have got a much more diverse culture, and I think that’s also part of it as well."

I can dissect this interview and search for stories. I am already particularly interested in the final point he makes about diverse cultures being responsible for riots.

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