As I have already posted, local newspapers heavily rely on advertising, and because this is a common convention, I will need to conform to it in my own work. Going against my flat plans, I have decided to go with just the one advertisement on the front page, as to not annoy my target audience. This advert is an advert for a free sports section pull-out

This advert for subscribing to my newspaper for a year was created on top of a collage of my front page. This was again a quick but effective way of filling up some space, as well as giving readers the chance to subscribe. I have used my logo to get people more and more familiar with the sight of it as it is a new newspaper. All the front pages connote all the newspapers you could get for just £45, giving readers the impression they are getting a good deal. This is backed up with the word 'little,' which, when put in the context of a year, is quite a small amount.
Finally, a picture of two students engaging in friendly conversation outside out sixth form area is the foundation stone for my last advert. I have actually turned this to black and white in my newspaper because a) it would be cheaper to advertise in black and white, and b) it looked very imposing on the rest of the page with the colours like the red in the logo. Again, this was quick and easy to make, meaning I could spend more time editing my newspaper.
Proficient/excellent work on drafting.