Friday 2 March 2012

Story - Sport Relief

For my Sport Relief story, I want to talk about the way people will be raising money, and what they think of it. I also want to integrate interviews and images to beef up my story a bit. Because of this, I will interview a member of the PE department at college, who will give me an insight into what he thinks Sport Relief is all about. I intend on giving information about our local Sport Relief mile as well.

Update: Here is my finished article:-

BBC SPORT RELIEF is this weekend, and hundreds of thousands will be doing their bit by running the Sport Relief Mile for charity across the country.

Sunday sees hundreds of venues across Great Britain playing host to enthusiastic runners of all ages and Bodmin will be one of those places. Starting from Bodmin Rugby Club, participants can choose whether to complete one, three or six miles.
The run, coined the ‘Bodmin Beasts Mile’ in honour of our mythical friend, is being organised by Sainsbury’s in what will surely be a national event to 
remember, raising money for those who are less advantaged.

Half of the money raised by Sport Relief will be spent in the UK, and half in other countries around the globe.

Also, Bodmin College will be fundraising for the cause by dressing up in sport related attire, selling cakes and doing the Mile on their grounds.

Bodmin College football academy manager Chris Morris said “Sport Relief is a fantastic opportunity for ordinary people to contribute and make a difference to vilnerable people in the UK and some of the poorest people around the world.

“We can all join personalities from the sporting and entertainment worlds and between us we can make a difference.”


I have also taken a selection of pictures to meet my flat plan, on which I have included a small image on the top of page three of the Mr. Morris. They are below:

 The images have not come out with the best quality I had hoped for, however, as I have mentioned, my flat plan meant I only needed a head and shoulders shot of him, which would be relatively small and in the corner of my page.
 I chose this photo to use, because he was looking face on at the camera, which I thought gave the best effect. The lighting, which is admittedly very bright, does not matter much in a world of Photoshop and image manipulation, so I found it no problem to edit this as I wanted it.

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