I needed to create a version of my poster suitable for going onto my poster, so I took my existing front page and edited the headlines to give a viewer a sense of the launch of this newspaper being big news, meaning they will be more likely to buy it.

I put my ideas onto a background of the Cornish flag, as when I did the same thing with a white background, my peers and teachers deemed it to be boring and uninteresting, despite meeting the conventions set by The Sun and The Guardian's posters. The Cornish flag, linking in with the uses and gratifications theory about involving the audience, to me was a good idea. However, it was clear that the font and the logo were not done justice by this background.
Instead of the Cornish flag background, I dug up an old photo I took at the sea in on the Cornish coast, which I felt both represented the region well, as well as keeping the interest of people passing by the poster. It also suited my 'breaking news' slogan, as you could argue the breaking of the waves connotes my newspaper breaking the news.
Proficient/excellent work on drafting.